Links to Human Factors Resources
All links are reported as received – HFG resources do not allow us to verify or update them regularly. We invite you to help us keep this page current by letting us know about any changes or errors you find.
Sites which may be of particular interest to HFG members are shown with 1 to 4 relevance stars. To report broken links or updates please use the feedback page to tell us about it.
General Interest HF Sites
National Aviation Authority sites, ICAO and professional/trade organizations
Accident and incident data
Research organizations and Universities
Military human factors sites
CRM and flight operations-related sites
Flight deck design/automation
Maintenance and inspection
Air Traffic Control human factors
Cabin and passenger safety
Other sites which may be of interest
General Interest HF Sites
Flight Safety Foundation (including information on CFIT, Situational Awaraness and decision Making)
Human Factors and Aviation Medicine information and links
Handbooks on Human Factors for Aviation – basic, advanced and instructors guides
LOFTwork ltd HF Training Development (training needs analysis, task analysis, courseware design, CBT, design ergonomics, CRM Resource database)
NASA human factors department
NASA human factors projects
NASA human factors recent reports
NASA Technical Report Server
National Aviation Authority sites, ICAO and professional/trade orgaisations
International Civil Aviation Organisation Flight Safety HF programme
International Air Transport Association (IATA) Safety Site, including HF Working Group
Transport Canada HF summary
FAA Office of Aviation Medicine
FAA Office of Aviation Research home page
FAA’s Civil Aeromedical Institute
International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations
FAA Aviation Flight Standards Service
Accident and incident data
UK DETR Air Accidents Investigation Branch
USA National Transportation Safety Board
UK Confidential Human Incident Reporting System
USA Aviation Ssfety Reporting System
ASRS “Callback”
ASRS directline
FAA Office of Accident Investigation
FAA Global Aviation Information Network website
“” – A privately run site containing aviation safety information. Their mission is “Providing everyone with a (professional) interest in aviation with up-to-date, complete and reliable authoritative information on airliner accidents and safety issues”.
Research organisations and Universities
NASA human factors organisation and staff
Cranfield University Department of Systems Engineering and Human Factors
The European Joint Research Centre home page
The Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory
German Aerospace Research Establishment
Centre d’Études et de Recherches de Toulouse – an establishment of ONERA (Office National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales)
Joint University Program for Air Transportation, Princeton University.
University of Central Florida Team Performance Lab (Ed Salas)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Ohio State University (Aviation)
Ohio State University (Aviation): The Biennial International Symposium Series on Aviation Psychology (note: the specific link to this page will be added soon – meanwhile please access this info via Ohio University home page)
Military human factors sites
Naval Air Warfare Centre – Aircraft Division
CRM and flight operations related sites
Industry CRM Developers Group Web Site
Mica Endsley’s Situational Awareness site – many references for Situation Awareness related papers going back to 1992.
Prof. Helmreich’s Team, University of Texas human factors research projects, including LOSA
Facilitating LOS Debriefings – A Training manual
Developing Advanced Crew Resource Management (ACRM) Training: A Training Manual (Thomas L. Seamster, Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, Robert W. Holt, and Kim Schultz) 1998 (pdf document to download; 200+ pages)
JAR FCL as posted (in English also) by the National Aviation Federation (France): “Les traductions françaises disponibles ci-dessous ne sont pas des textes officielles. Elles sont fournies à titre indicatif, sous réserve d’adoption définitive des textes anglais”.
NLR site (containing details of EU/DG7 sponsored projects such as JARTEL & ECOTTRIS JARTEL and ECOTTRIS
NLR site (containing details of EU/DG7 sponsored projects such as the ESSAI(Situation Awareness) project ESSAI
Unsupported CRM information on this (Raes HFG) site:
Flight deck design/automation
Flight Deck Automation – Human factors issues with flight deck automation (database) (Ken Funk’s site)
Eurocontrol BLUECOAT Forum
Maintenance and inspection
Air Traffic Control human factors
Centre d’Études de la Navigation Aérienne – The Centre for Studies of Air Traffic Control
EUROCONTROL human factors in ATC (a specific link will be posted shortly – meanwhile please access via the main Eurocontrol site)
The ATM requirements and design Division of Eurocontrol (DED2) recent developments on Controller’s HMI and ATC HMI Discussion group
Cabin and passenger safety
Other sites which may be of interest
National Technical Information Service
Parliamentary Advisory Committee on Transport Safety P.A.C.T.S. which includes auto, rail and maritime statistics.
Hugo Leimann Patt’s site in Argentina (Spanish-language CRM/HF resources) CRM Argentina with a variety of useful links, documents and a Spanish-language discussion board.
NASA Technical Report Server
Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center
Advisory Circular Checklist
Airman DUI/DWI Program (ACS)** (alcohol/ drug problem advice)
Literature Search at ICAO