HF Group Membership (and Miscellaneous Resources)
Committee Membership
As a professional group of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), the committee of the Human Factors Group must by Society articles consist of at least 50% members or fellows of the Society and is constitutionally limited to 25 people. Only general members of the RAeS may vote on the election of HFG committee officers at Annual General Meetings.
However the committee has a duty to remain representative of the aviation HF industry and therefore seeks to recruit HF practitioners with appropriate backgrounds whenever the opportunity arises.
We accordingly encourage anyone interested in HFG activities to (1) talk to one of the Standing Groups, such as Conference Planning, who frequently look for support outside the RAeS itself on specific issues, and (2) apply to join the RAeS, our parent organisation.
If you would like to play a more active role in HFG activities and focus teams, or simply stay up to date on forthcoming conferences and news, please contact us at: RAeS at:
The Human Factors Group,
Royal Aeronautical Society,
4 Hamilton Place
phone: 0207-670-4300
Via the main Aeronautical Society website: https://www.aerosociety.com/membership-accreditation/
…or use the HFG Contact page.
The Human Factors Group is non-commercial, and resources are usually made available via businesses active in the field of Human Factors. For example, there are often member discounts for selected textbooks from Avebury Aviation (contact Ashgate Publishing Limited Customer Service, ph 01252-317707).
The CRM Resource Database is a ’where to find it’ which lists some 500 resources such as videos, textbooks, CVR transcripts and URLs, including commercial, proprietary and public domain material on most CRM topics.