The Conference Planning SG is responsible for coordinating conference support, including facilities, publications, proceedings, press releases, flyers and email notification. The SG also develops the detailed programme for miniconferences and supports the main committee and other SGs in organising main conferences at the Aeronautical Society in London and elsewhere.


For miniconference planning contact

Rick Heybroek, RAeS HFG Conference planning and IT

The ITSG also coordinates and maintains the HFG website including:[bigarrow]

  • Frequently asked questions
  • Feedback page for comments and questions[/bigarrow]

FAQs and Feedback on Current Aviation HF Issues

Please send your comments, interests, observations or calendar events to the RAeS Human Factors Group.

email: postmaster [at]


Chairman, Human Factors Committee,

Royal Aeronautical Society

4 Hamilton Place

London W1V 0BQ

…Or share your comments about CRM, Accreditation or human factors generally with other aviation professionals on the HFG Forums