
The ATC Standing Group has recently been re-launched under the leadership of Anthony Smoker and consists of:-

Anthony Smoker (Chair) – NATS

Martyn Cooper – air traffic controller at Luton & IFATCA’s immediate past Executive Vice President Professional.

Martin Cox – Psychologist

Noelle Hartley – British Airways HF specialist

Dr Anne Isaac – Psychologist & HF specialist with Eurocontrol

Kathleen Nuttall – air traffic controller at Heathrow Tower, who has worked with Noelle Hartley on TRM for NATS controllers

Bert Ruitenberg – air traffic controller at Amsterdam & IFATCA’s HF specialist since 1992

Dr Sheila Stork – NATS

Action Items

The ATC Standing Group remit includes the following actions:

Production of an Information Paper to be published under the auspices of the RAeS HF Group, setting out the benefits of ATC HF and in particular, TRM

Conversion of the paper into an article for various aviation professional magazines and journals

Topics of Interest

The key areas that we are considering developing in support of this initiative on ATC HF and TRM could encompass the following perceived performance benefits:



efficiency & service quality training.
